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Coal to Electricity

The process of converting coal to electricity at a thermal generating station is really a collection of separate processes which are all inter-related.

These processes typically include:

  1. coal handling
  2. boiler & steam generation
  3. ash systems
  4. turbine / generator
  5. circulating water & condenser
  6. transformers & switchyard

Coal is supplied by the mine and crushed to provide fuel for the boiler. The coal is mixed with hot air and burned in the boiler. This provides heat to boil the water and create steam. The steam is then superheated before going to the turbine.

The heavy ash from burning the coal is collected at the bottom of the boiler and returned to the mine for disposal. The lighter ash is removed from the exhaust gases and collected and sold. The remaining gases, mainly Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and water vapour, are exhausted up the stack (chimney).

Steam from the boiler passes through the turbine, spinning it at 3600 rpm. The steam is condensed back into water in the condenser and returned to the boiler to be re-used. The turbine turns the generator, which creates the electrical current. The electricity from the generator is passed through a transformer to raise the voltage before going out on the power lines to the customers.

Edmonton Power Historical Foundation


We are located on the grounds of the Leduc West Antique Museum. Travel 5 km west of Leduc on Highway 39. Go north on Range Road 260 (Cohne Dale Road) for about 800 metres and the museum will be on your right. If you're coming from the west, Cohne Dale Road is 5km east of Highway 60.

Hours of operation 2025

2024 is in the books, and we are looking forward to an even better 2025. The Leduc Country Lights and the Leduc Christmas Convoy were both smashing successes, and the year ended with the last day of the lights on December 31. The EPHF Museum will open again for the Leduc West Spring Swap Meet in May 2025. If, however, you are interested in a private tour, just leave a message on this website and we'll do our best to arrange a time for you to come out.
Exhibition dates for 2025 are the Spring Swap Meet (combined with the Embers & Ice Pitmaster Challenge) on May 24 & 25, the Annual Exposition on July 19 & 20, and the Fall Harvest on September 6 & 7. Plus the Lesco Truck Show on September 19th and 20th. Watch this space!


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